LastLine Cyber takes a people first approach to cyber security improvements.
Cyber security is sometimes regarded as a complex and prohibitive. However, it doesn’t have to be this way.
LastLine Cyber ties cyber security initiatives directly to your business goals and organizational culture.
Yes, implementing cyber security improvements means processes and procedures might change, but we don’t stop at recommending improvements. Our consultation incorporates change management, to increase the adoption and success of your cyber security projects.
When your employees take ownership of cyber security responsibilities, your organization wins.
Understand your current cyber security maturity
Uncover "quick win" opportunities for cyber security improvement
Track organizational progress towards increasing levels of cyber maturity
Identify where critical information security risks exist in your environment
Uncover and address unsecure processes
Prioritize risks and plan smart and sustainable cyber security investments
Strengthen organizational cyber security culture
Clearly communicate expectations and guidelines regarding working securely
Support legal and ethical information security responsibilities
Align cyber strategy to internationally recognized best practices
Prove dedication to internal and external stakeholders' information security
Stand out from the competition as an ISO 27001 certified organization